Counter Strike 1.6 is the World Popular Shooter game
Steam Client including Counter Strike 1.6
Counter Strike was at first a modification of Half-Life, called “Half-Life: Counter Strike”. Its popularity increased rapidly and it became an individual game.
Play the most popular online team-based action shooter! Support your teammates, complete missions, eliminate all your opponents and take out their sites to win.
Quickly access Valve games like Half-Life, Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike Condition Zero through Steam. Steam provides an instant-message client that also works in-game and updates the games automatically.
Although Steam is an online gaming platform, it’s basically a distributed file system and shared set of technology components that can be implemented into any other software application. Steam is an easy way to access a variety of Valve games, including games like Counter-Strike 1.6, which introduces the new riot shield, the official CS bot and more.

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